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Dwi Juwanita 'dije'

- Another Blogger Blog's

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papa, mama...
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yahanda tercinta
aku putrimu menangis kecewa
ayahanda,aku terdampar bukan main
di tepi murka padamu dan pada Tuhanku

ayahanda, rinduku kan ku tuang
jika malamku bertabur bintang
saat kau dekap aku dalam pangkuanmu
kau bisikan kalimat indah sang pujangga

ayahanda, ku titip cinta pada Tuhan
agar kau tahu kini diriku
tlah dewasa dalam meniti kehidupan
yang tercinta ayahanda di surga

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Seorang pembantu baru dari desa tertarik pada iklan sabun deterjen merk Solikin yang bisa mencuci sendiri.

Ketika dia hendak mencuci pakaian majikannya, direndam seluruh pakaian kotor semuanya, diberi olehnya sabun merek tersebut diatas.

Dari pagi sampai siang hari dan dia cuma merendam cucian tersebut, dan majikannya heran lalu bertanya padanya sebagai berikut:

Majikan: “Netty, kamu bagaimana sih…? Masak cucian cuma kamu diamkan dari pagi sampai siang begini, tidak juga kamu cuci.”

Pembantu: “Ah Nyonya seperti tidak tahu saja sih, sabun merek Solikin itu bisa mencuci sendiri iklannya.”

Majikan: “Lalu kenapa memang…?”

Pembantu: “Ya saya cuma menunggu sampai dia selesai mencuci.”

Majikan: “…???!!!”

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Kecanggihan efek khusus dalam film bertema hari kiamat nyaris selalu membuat bulu kuduk berdiri. Atmosfer itulah yang bisa Anda rasakan saat menonton cuplikan film 2012. Film ini menyuguhkan dahsyatnya kiamat pada 12 Desember 2012.

Dikisahkan, warga dunia panik saat ramalan suku Indian Maya Inca Peru tentang kiamat menjadi kenyataan. Patung Kristus Sang Penebus yang berdiri kokoh di Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, hancur berkeping-keping. Hujan meteor berbola api disusul gempa mengguncang hebat. Yang tak kalah menggetarkan, basilika Gereja Santo Petrus di Vatikan, runtuh.

Penonton pun akan terpana menyaksikan kapal perang USS John F Kennedy tak berdaya diamuk badai dan akhirnya karam. Dalam film beranggaran US$ 200 juta ini, sutradara Roland Emmerich memasang sejumlah nama yang tak asing lagi di dunia sinema. Seperti John Cusack, Amanda Peet, Danny Glover, Oliver Platt, dan Woody Harelson. Film ini masih menjalani tahap produksi dan penonton di Amerika Serikat serta Inggris akan menjadi yang pertama menyaksikannya pada November mendatang.(IKA)
Dia memang hanya dia
Ku selalu memikirkannya
Tak pernah ada habisnya
Benar dia, benar hanya dia
Ku selalu menginginkannya
Belaian dari tangannya
Mungkin hanya dia
Harta yang paling terindah
Di perjalanan hidupku
Sejak derap denyut nadiku
Mungkin hanya dia
Indahnya sangat berbeda
Ku haus merindukannya

Ku ingin kau tahu isi hatiku
Kaulah yang terakhir dalam hidupku
Tak ada yang lain hanya kamu
Tak pernah ada
Takkan pernah ada

Benar dia, benar hanya dia
Ku selalu menginginkannya
Belaian dari tangannya
Mungkin hanya dia
Indahnya sangat berbeda
Ku haus merindukannya

Back to Reff

Kuingin kau selalu di pikiranku
Kau yang selalu larut dalam darahku
Tak ada yang lain
Hanya kamu
Tak pernah ada
Takkan pernah ada
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tak pernah menyadari
yang telah kau miliki
kau buang aku, tinggalkan diriku
kau… hancurkan aku seakan ku tak pernah ada

Aku kan bertahan
meski takkan mungkin
menerjang kisahnya
walau perih… walau perih…

aku terlalu cinta
semua kan kembali
kau buang aku,tinggalkan diriku
kau.. hancurkan aku
seakan ku tak pernah ada

Aku kan bertahan
meski takkan mungkin
menerjang kisahnya
walau perih… walau perih…

Aku kan bertahan
meski takkan mungkin
menerjang kisahnya
walau perih…

Aku kan bertahan
meski takkan mungkin
menerjang kisahnya
walau perih… walau perih…
walau perih….walau perih…

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Ir. Soekarno Lahir tanggal 6 juni 1901, surabaya, Ir. Soekarno adalah proklamator dan presiden pertama RI (1945-1967), ia lebih dikenal dengan panggilan "Bung Karno". Ia juga dikenal sebagai penggali pancasila yg kemudian menjadi dasar negara RI, ia menyandang 26 gelar doktor kehormatan dari berbagai universitas diseluruh dunia. Mula-mula bung karno menuntut ilmu disekolah desa, inlandsche school (tulung agung) > setelah itu ia masuk Europese lagere school (mojokerto) > kemudian ia diterima di Hogere Burger School (surabaya) > juni 1921 ia melanjutkan ke Technische Hogere school (bandung), setelah ia menyelesaikan kuliahnya (1926) ia terjun sepenuhnya dalam dunia politik. Karena dinilai sebagai tokoh berbahaya oleh gubernur jendral De Jonge, bung karno ditangkap dan dibuang ke Ende, Flores > dipindahkan lagi ke Bengkulu > dipindahkan lagi ke Padang > kemudian dibawa tentara jepang ke Jawa. Dalam sidang BPUPKI (1 Juni 1945), bung karno mengajukan lima konsep dasar negara, setelah mengalami beberapa perubahan kemudian ke lima konsep tersebut dikenal dengan nama PANCASILA.
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Friendship is the cooperative and supportive relationship between two or more people. In this sense, the term connotes a relationship which involves mutual knowledge, esteem, affection, and respect along with a degree of rendering service to friends in times of need or crisis. Friends will welcome each other's company and exhibit loyalty towards each other, often to the point of altruism. Their tastes will usually be similar and may converge, and they will share enjoyable activities. They will also engage in mutually helping behavior, such as the exchange of advice and the sharing of hardship. A friend is someone who may often demonstrate reciprocating and reflective behaviors. Yet for some, the practical execution of friendship is little more than the trust that someone will not harm them.
Dudung dan Maman Asal Citaman
Mengadu Nasib Di Perantauan
Kerja Keras Mencari Makan
Walau Upah Tidak Sepadan

Oh Mereka Selalu Bersama
Dalam Suka Ataupun Duka
Tak Pernah Putus Asa

Dudung dan Maman Telah Berjanji
Berjuang Untuk Meraih Mimpi
Bila Sukses Nanti Akan Kembali
Untuk Meminang Kekasih Hati

Oh Mereka Telah Bersumpah
Walau Raga Sudah Lelah
Tak Kan Pernah Menyerah

Reff The Changcuters
Persahabatan Dudung Maman
Tak Pernah Lekang Oleh Zaman
Persahabatan Dudung Maman
Bersama Takhlukan Dunia

Oh Mereka Selalu Bersama
Dalam Suka Ataupun Duka
Tak Pernah Putus Asa

Oh Mereka Telah Bersumpah
Walau Raga Sudah Lelah
Tak Kan Pernah Menyerah
No one ever saw me like you do
All the things that I could up to
I never knew just what a smile was worth
But your eyes say everything without a single word

'Cause there's somethin' in the way you look at me
It's as if my heart knows you're the missing piece
You made me believe that there's nothing in this world I can't be
I never know what you see
But there's somethin' in the way you look at me

If i could freeze some moment in my mind
Be the second that you touch your lips to mine
I'd like to stop the clock, make time stand still
'Cause baby, this is just the way I always wanna feel

(Repeat CHORUS)

I dont know how or why I feel different in your eyes
All I know is it happens everytime
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Oh, secret admirer

When you’re around the autumn feels like summer

How come you’re always messing up the weather?

Just like you do to me..

Ada yang beranggapan jadi secret admirer termasuk orang pengecut yang gak berani ngungkapin perasaan, egois gak mau berbagi perasaan. Apapun itu yang jelas haknya mereka masing-masing, toh mereka punya alasan, lagi pula yang namanya mengagumi seseorang tak selamanya berujung jatuh cinta kan?.

Akulah orang yang selalu menaruh bunga

dan menuliskan cinta di atas meja kerjamu,

akulah orang yang kan slalu mengawasimu,

menikmati indahmu dari sisi gelapku...

Seperti yang dijabarkan oleh mas keliek, ada beberapa alasan mengapa mereka memutuskan untuk menjadi seorang secret admirer terhadap seseorang. Beberapa di antara mereka ada yang lebih merasa nyaman memendam perasaan tanpa orang lain tahu, tak sedikit pula yang terang-terangan menunjukkan perasaannya.

Kau tinggalkan mimpiku

Dan itu hanya sesalkan diriku

Ku harus lepaskanmu

Melupakan senyummu….

Bagi gw, jadi secret admirer itu menyenangkan, penasaran dan menyakitkan. Setidaknya itulah sebagian 'efek samping'nya. Siap-siap aja cemburu saat si doi jalan bareng cow/cew-nya, siap-siap sibuk dengan rencana untuk mencari perhatiannya, siap-siap kecewa saat doi ternyata gak sehebat, sejenius, setangguh, sepintar (dan lain) yang kita duga.

Kalo dah gitu jangan patah hati lho, without her/him life must go on.

Ku terus melangkah melupakanmu

Lelah hati perhatikan sikapmu

Jalan pikiranmu buatku ragu

Tak mungkin ini tetap bertahan

Perlahan mimpi terasa mengganggu

Kucoba untuk terus menjauh

Perlahan mimpi terasa mengganggu

Ku coba untuk lanjutkan hidup

Engkau bukanlah segalaku

bukan tempat tuk hentikan langkahku,

usai sudah semua berlalu

biar hujan menghapus jejakmu...

Credit: Secret Admirer - Mocca; Pemuja Rahasia - Sheila on 7; Jauh Mimpiku - Peterpan; Menghapus Jejakmu - Peterpan
Indonesia mengejutkan dunia saat presidennya menolak kunjungan presiden Amerika Serikat (AS). Penolakan itu disampaikan oleh menteri luar negeri Republik Indonesia (RI) kepada menteri luar negeri AS dengan sebelumnya menyampaikan permintaan ma’af melalui email pribadi masing-masing.

Negara Amerika Serikat yang terdiri dari 50 negara bagian dengan sejarah panjang menguasai negara-negara ketiga tidak seharusnya diremehkan. Kunjungan presiden AS kali ini adalah dalam rangka diskusi perbaikan ekonomi global dan mestinya kunjungan tersebut sangat berpengaruh bagi negara-negara lain di Asia Tenggara. Presiden AS melalui juru bicaranya, menteri luar negeri, menyampaikan bahwa Indonesia adalah negara yang egois, tidak tahu berterima kasih dan tidak pernah belajar dari sejarah.

Dalam acara ramah tamah dan buka puasa bersama, presiden RI mengucapkan terima kasih atas kritikan tersebut. Beliau merasa egois jika tidak meresponnya. Beliau juga menanyakan sejarah mana yang dimaksud. Dan berikut ini penjelasan presiden RI atas penolakan kunjugan presiden AS. Beliau membacakannya, tanpa teks, di sebuah desa di pedalaman Kalimantan seperti yang beliau kirim kepada presiden AS lewat email.

Alasan pertama dan seperti kunjungan-kunjungan presiden AS sebelumnya yang diterima oleh presiden-presiden RI sebelum dirinya adalah karena besarnya biaya yang harus dikeluarkan pemerintah RI sehubungan dengan kunjungan itu. Bayangkan, jika kunjungan satu orang saja dapat memakan biaya hingga 6 milyar rupiah. Padahal tahun lalu, dengan biaya kurang dari 6 miliar pemerintah Indonesia mampu mendirikan lebih dari 20 SD dan memperbaiki puluhan SD di delapan daerah. Alasan kedua menegaskan bahwa bangsa Indonesia merupakan bangsa yang selalu belajar dari sejarah. Sebagaimana kita tahu bahwa tiap kali kedatangan presiden AS selalu diwarnai dengan demonstrasi mahasiswa dan organisasi massa lain yang menolak kunjungannya. Oleh karena itu presiden RI dengan segala hormat menawarkan penolakan dari beliau sendiri daripada lewat demonstrasi yang penuh caci maki dan dapat merendahkan martabat negara AS yang besar. Dan alasan ketiga yang juga belajar dari sejarah adalah sehubungan dengan kunjungannya yang mendadak. Beliau berpendapat bahwa sudah sewajarnya beliau menolak kunjungan tersebut. Sebagaimana kita ketahui bahwa presiden RI, sejak terpilih, mempunyai jadwal yang sangat padat. Bahkan dalam biografinya tertulis jika beliau hanya tidur kurang dari dua jam sehari dan beliau sangat memanfaatkan waktu perjalanannya untuk istirahat. Jadwal kunjungan presiden AS berbenturan dengan kunjungan presiden RI ke daerah bencana banjir dan longsor di Sumatra Utara. Beliau berpesan pada presiden AS agar membuat janji terlebih dahulu sebelum berkunjung minimum dua tahun sebelumnya. Semoga presiden AS memaklumi.

Dan tanpa mengurangi rasa hormatnya pada presiden AS, presiden RI memberikan pilihan lain untuk bertemu yaitu dengan ikut menemani beliau ke Sumatra Utara untuk membantu para korban banjir dan longsor.

Itu merupakan satu-satunya pilihan terbaik yang beliau sebut dengan alternatif 2 in 1, atau mungkin 3 in 1 karena ditambah dengan turut menemani beliau makan sahur dan buka puasa bersama para korban banjir dan tanah longsor. Meski akhirnya presiden AS dapat memaklumi alasan penolakan tersebut, namun ia tetap akan melakukan kunjugannya. Ia meminta perwakilan dari presiden RI agar dapat menerima kunjungannya. Dan syukur alhamdulillah, Presiden RI berkenan dengan permintaan tersebut. Beliau menanyakan pada para menterinya apakah ada yang berminat menerimanya?

Perlu Anda ketahui bahwa penolakan kunjungan ini terjadi di tahun 2060 setelah pemerintah Indonesia melalui Bank Mandiri membeli seratus persen saham Microsoft, Google, Shell, BP, Hilton, Citibank, American Express (selanjutnya berubah menjadi Indonesian Express), klub sepak bola Manchester United; kemudian memindahkan kantor pusat PBB ke Purworejo dan menjadi Dewan Keamanan tetapnya; membangun pusat energi nuklir terbesar di dunia di pulau Sidoarjo; memindahkan Hollywood ke Bali dan mengubah namanya menjadi Baliwood; mendirikan universitas sekelas Harvard, Princeton, MIT dan Cambridge; memenangkan lima Olimpiade berturut-turut; menjadi negara bebas polusi; dan menjadi salah satu negara yang selamat setelah seperempat bagian dunia terkena gempa dan tsunami termasuk Amerika Serikat dan negara-negara Eropa. Tuhan berkenan dengan keselamatan bangsa Indonesia karena para pemimpinnya yang jujur dan adil.
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Dulu kita dapat tertawa bersama
Tak ada hal yang disembunyikan dari tatapan mata kita

Ku tau dirimu
Seperti dirimu mengenal diriku

Kita telah mengukir cerita indah tuk dikenang
Kemarin saat kenangan itu terukir
Hari ini saat kita mengulang ceritanya
Esok ketika kita tersenyum ketika mengenangnya..

Ku tak ingin melihatmu berharap lebih
Karena kau adalah SAHABAT ku
Berbagi tawa
air mata

It is morning. Those are the worst. I should get up. Alone.

More than likely it was also an unforgettable experience for you when you logged on to the net the very first time. Initially, all of us were overwhelmed by the abundance of possibilities. Then as we became more familiar with the use of the world wide web we come across one of its most exciting potential: the joy of meeting other people. In order for such meetings to be made simpler there are a number of sites on the net that facilitate finding friends and partners. In Hungary one such site is - in my opinion the best - is operated by Deltasoft Ltd. called BuliNet.

The following thoughts first occurred to me on March 2, 1998, the day I've registered myself on the BuliNet. My initial nick was CSE which I've discontinued after the initial ‘break-up’ suffered. There were many descriptive nicks with appropriately changing descriptions of height, weight, education and marital status. There were a number of different results - I've met a girl with whom we've only corresponded, another who actually got married to someone she met on BuliNet. There were easily and some not so easily forgotten contacts and yes, for a brief time even the long awaited love had arrived. There were many things to experience, some I thought I would die from. In summary: I love you BuliNet.

Much of human literature addresses humanities greatest peace time tragedy: loneliness. On a worldwide basis (including Hungary) approximately one third of the population lives or have suffered from loneliness. The numbers are staggering. Even our Jewish-Greek-Christian traditions can't seem to improve on the condition.

The economic upsets of the past decade appear to have made things worse. It is especially difficult for the generation that stepped into adulthood during the past decade and a half. The forced capitalization of Hungary resulted in a tremendous degree of force and selfishness. There were enterprises that flourished, went under some as time goes by had become stronger but at the cost of robbing the participants of their free time. In a way of illustration it should suffice to say that the government had not expended as much money on the youth of Hungary between 1989-99 as they did during one year in prior years. Completing one's education without working to earn tuition had become an illusion just as ever being able to afford an apartment by working at an honest job. As a residue of this situation it is especially relevant that opportunities to meet and mingle had all but disappeared. The company sponsored clubs of the previous era disappeared. The less fortunate can not afford the plentiful chic but expensive gathering places and we've not yet considered the clothes it would take to appear there. Social mobility became virtually non-existent as it is virtually impossible to cross age and economic barriers. This fact alone could deprive millions from a feeling of belonging, cooperation and a better quality life.

Among the crisis of the ending century is something that very much affects couples. There are fewer and fewer examples of a complete love story or a supportive community. Although we do not take our cue from movies, one would be hard pressed to find a movie where you see a couple meet, get to know each other and then come to complete their love. Instead, and this is especially true for American movies, we see a beautiful, well dressed couple meet and immediately proceed to bed without taking the time to get to know each other. Is it any wonder why the movie Shakespeare in Love was such a hit? At least in the story the audience could identify emotionally with the actors. We've taken our desire to possess and transplanted it into our relationships.

Surprisingly enough with all of this exterior change there appears to be very little change in the perceived roles within the couple. The signs of attempted emancipation unfortunately remain just that: signs. The social perception still sees a married woman forced into a domestic role and for the husband to support his family. In other words, men should be men. Women should be: attractive, preferably young - a servant of her husband his whore, the mother of his children and although pretty much as a slave, but she does get to enjoy the spoils he provides. Perhaps the only real change is that it is also acceptable for the woman to be in a role of initiator of a relationship.

The internet can't really change society but merely mirror it. Ironically, a good job or education is almost a requirement because that means internet access or the ability to afford it. We can not talk about equality, democracy here.

If anyone uses the internet for anything beyond technical information they are required to learn not only the technology but also the etiquette. The latter is most difficult as it is still being formed. The reason the formulation is made difficult is because contrary to all tradition we are without identity/accountability on the net. Anyone can surf, and while this in itself is not a bad thing, we are simply so new at it that we do not quite know what to do with the possibilities.

Those who are new to the web and enter here may have a bit of a difficulty as there are no guidelines to help the newcomer. There is a questionnaire to fill out which is not terribly difficult although limited in many ways by providing limited options from which to chose a response. It would be helpful to get more specific information about people especially if you are hoping to meet. The majority of the girls are prone to appear simply to be complemented and flirt. It is virtually impossible to differentiate these from those who are here to actually meet someone. There is no explanation about the service or even how to add a photo and with the recent changes in the BuliNet format one may be frightened of the final result that may leave a lot to be desired.

The main attraction of BuliNet appears to be the chat. Again the user if faced with the same problem of having no instructions on the use, where to write the messages, how can the pages be refreshed, how can you write private messages, and if the system happens to throw you out, your freshly written message disappears. Not all monitors have the capability to support the program which makes legibility a problem. It is never explained what exactly does it mean that system is overloaded, but as often as it occurs it makes one's ability to count on it questionable.

For those who managed to sail over the hurdles and find themselves in the chat will be greeted by a strange scene. Their first ‘surprise’ may be that they will be ignored. Perhaps this is the first sign that what we have here is not a community in a true sense of the word. (Some chats have moderators present 24 hours for the purpose of greeting newcomers and to keep the conversation moving along.)

Perhaps the most significant characteristic of the internet - including Bulinet - is to keep people waiting. I'm talking about situations where two people begin ‘talking’ either in a chat room or in private messages and suddenly one slows down or altogether disappears. It may be innocent enough and the server was slow or the boss appeared, but it is not uncommon that someone simply withdraws emotion and thinks of the chat as a machine and not a person who may be anxiously waiting for long minutes or perhaps hours for their return. They may even feign surprise (‘you mean you were waiting for me?’) yet not offering an apology or explanation – there is no sense of accountability. There are some who merely disappear (perhaps forever) choosing to communicate in somewhat barbaric fashion that they are not interested in what we have to say. Still another case may be where an individual is carrying on conversations in several ‘windows’ with as many individuals. One can just imagine the depth of such conversations as we are, after all, human and not multi-channel machines.

People come to chat rooms - the Bulinet included - to soothe their loneliness. Because of this or perhaps due to this, they have problems communicating - yet the purpose of a chat room is precisely that. What happens when these people, who in real life avoid confrontation, or are unable to express differing opinions land in a chat room? The general audience even at best reflects a rather narrow minded, conservative attitude that becomes obvious from comments if a visitor mentions that (s)he participates in an alternative lifestyle. The same could be said of those who side-step issues by saying ‘I don't do politics’. It is little wonder then, that there is no worthy exchange of ideas in the chat room. Whether or not this is true in private windows I don't know, but I suspect it is no different.

Yet people desire, even need to have the attention/approval of others. An interesting example was when a prostitute happened into the chat room some time ago. She was there for a mere week but the reason she received the most messages was not only because people were chiding or propositioning her - but because finally there was someone who was willing to discuss sensitive topics without hesitation. There were messages arriving for her nick long after her departure - another example for a need of a moderator who could bring up interesting topics for conversation.
Things can also become somewhat primitive at times. Some newcomers feel that obscene language is hip - but the majority will join forces and defend the level of the Bulinet. Still, the newcomer must first negotiate the opening page with its sometimes outrageous messages. Another fact – there is much gossip! Everyone knows (or at least professes to) know something/everything about the others. Yet, this may not be all bad because it leads me to believe there is communication going on at some level.

The quality of the BuliNet, first and foremost, depend on the quality of people who go there. In a survey I did in March of 1999, the majority of men said they had higher, while the majority of women claimed they had intermediate education. The age of the majority of males was between 25-35 while the women were between 20-30. Some of the chosen nicknames are very imaginative, but not the introductory pages which offer little information about the individuals. The men appear to do a slightly better job, at least none claim that they are suffering financially - which is probably true, as internet access is not an inexpensive hobby in Hungary. Those who are seeking long-term relationships appear to be a minority, most people claim they are merely looking for friends. This latter of course is untrue, but it seems risky to admit that you would like to find the person of your dreams, or that you are merely looking for an occasional date.

As to what people are looking for in a mate? A desire for slightly above average looks (height, weight, etc.) and what we've mentioned before - men should be men, and women should be women. The basic requirements are that the person have a stable financial background, be attractive, secure and be without emotional baggage. I repeat, these requirements reflect the societal value systems.

There are several examples, although not many, where couples have found each other. Since there are far more people who use the introductory pages for the purpose of seeking a partner than those who use the chat - I would think the results there are approximately the same as any other similar arena. The chat is much more dramatic. I've no knowledge of a relationship that lasted a year or more there. This should not be a great surprise as relationships here work somewhat in reverse from real life. The first thing we are exposed to is the mind, thoughts of the other person. This may be followed by phone calls and if all is well a personal meeting. This latter may have the effect of lighting! If people had not yet gone into hiding after a face-to-face they find themselves in a middle of a relationship and anything more will be found out by spending time or living with each other. More likely than not, couples find that they don't want to pursue things further.

One reason is that people have fertile imaginations and they tend to create a complete picture of the other person given their written word. Sometimes reality is not quite as colorful. Another may be that the medium tends to make for overstatements. people say things, the other responds at an accelerated level and not wanting to be left behind we ‘out bid’ the last statement. What ‘I love you’ means to my heart is precious, but what does it mean to someone I know little about? I'm not suggesting that people set out to fool each other, if anything we fool ourselves because we want so much for someone to care about us, to love us that we are quite willing to believe or interpret what is said to suit that need. The third reason is the volume. If there are so many of us here, how do I know that I've got the best person I could have? Why not try another and another. . . Humanity by nature tends toward polygamy and that is doubly true for the BuliNet. Naturally, it is tough to be the one who is left for another - especially if they've been searching for a partner for a long time.

Among those who visit to the BuliNet in hopes of finding a permanent partner there is at least one person each week who's a candidate for suicide. The BuliNet - like dog hair to cure dog bite - is there to help and if the individual has the strength to log on, there's a good chance they'll survive. They may wish they didn't if they should encounter the one they are pining after openly flirting with his/her next ‘victim’.

It is very much characteristic of relationships that began on the BuliNet to be rapid and intense in its continuation - among those that I know of, better than half lasted for only one passionate night spent together. However, much longer is the ending. I call this characteristic ‘mending’ - where the partner wishing to end the relationship - whether out of cowardice, pity or insecurity, does not make a clean break with the partner. Rather they drag it on, asking for time to think, finding excuses and just generally postponing the inevitable. In the meantime, the other is incapacitated emotionally, unable or unwilling to begin talking with another for fear of ‘cheating’ on his or her ‘partner’. Sometimes the final and ugly break comes publicly on the chat much to the perverted pleasure of the given audience. The clash of emotions between the partner who was not able or willing to realize that the intention was to put distance between.

Then everything begins all over again most often with a new nick, symbolically at least, destroying the former self. There is an advantage to this of meeting people we've not had a chance to previously. The nature of the media should not remain without comment. The fact that without any checks or cross-checks it can became the intimate version of Auschwitz. After all, how much difference is there between this and how Joseph Mengele may have looked upon the concentration camps where he could experiment on the individuals available without any limitations or accountability.

Intrusions into someone's life without a thought, throwing dirt, or spreading unfounded rumors, things said and done out of the fury of the moment can easily lead to what a dear friend of mine once told me regarding the topic: “In real life, I always give myself without pretenses, believe it or not, but not on the web. Here I play a game because I am afraid.. . . There may be others whose defense mechanism had not been fine tuned to this degree and in that case we cannot be honest with everyone.” Sometimes we need a reminder of Kurt Vonnegut’s words (myself included) before we allow ourselves to get carried away: “A little less love, please, and a little more common decency.”

The BuliClub is a basic requirement for meeting people is a place to meet. The present facility hardly satisfies this criteria, at the Budapest Technical University's club - that reminds me of a third rate railroad waiting room. You can't really converse because of the noise although it had long been promised that the situation will improve. Dancing is a possibility if you don't mind sound and light quality that would have been considered an embarrassment even in the 70’s. All this aside, compliments to the organizers who despite the obstacles manage to create a welcoming atmosphere. The overall feeling still reminds one of a ‘meat market’ where the goal is to become intoxicated as quickly as possible and drag a warm body off to bed. It doesn't so much matter who as we are desperate.

OK, so at times that is the goal. But then, it is morning again. Those are the worst. I should get up. Alone.

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Strumming my pain with his fingers
singing my life with his words
killing me softly with his song
killing me softly with his song
telling my whole life with his words
killing me softly with his song

I heard he sang a good song, I heard he had a style
And so I came to see him to listen for a while
And there he was this young boy, a stranger to my eyes

I felt all flushed with fever, embarrassed by the crowd
I felt he found my letters and read each one out loud
I prayed that he would finish but he just kept right on

He sang as if he knew me in all my dark despair
and then he looked right through me as if I wasn't there
But he just came to singing, singing clear and strong
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Di tepian hati kutulis rindu dalam diam,
Menguraikan bait demi bait...
Lalu bebas masuk dalam cintamu yanpa tanya dan ragu lagi..
Untuk apa ku ingkari nurani...
Kebersamaan dan kedekatan yang kita jalan...
Telah menumbuhkan binar-binar rindu stiap kita tak bertemu...
Apa yang tersisa dari perjalanan kita selama ini..??
Selain kangen dan rindu yang terus berontak dari kedalamanya...
Aku tersudut seorang diri,
Kupandangi langit yang luas tak terbatas...
Kuraba hati kembali,
Mengukur kangen dan rindu yang hinggap...
Comments: (0)

06 Maret 2007


Rudi dan Andi adalah sahabat yang sangat dekat, kemanapun dan dimanapun mereka selalu berdua. Seperti kata pepatah, dimana ada gula di situ pasti ada semut, dimana ada Rudi disitu pasti ada Andi.

Suatu sore Andi curhat sama Rudi. “Hari ini aku bener-bener kesal banget Rud”, tutur Andi kepada Rudi.

“Emangnya kenapa And?”. Tanya Rudi kepada Andi.

Dengan sedikit menggerutu Andi menjawab pertanyaan Rudi, “Tadi siang aku sholat jum'at berjama'ah di masjid Sabilul Khoir di sebelah rumahku. Aku berangkat ke masjid memakai sandal yang baru kubeli di mall bareng kamu minggu lalu, ta....”. Dia berhenti bicara karena terpotong omongan Rudi.

“Emang kenapa dengan sandalmu And?”, sahut Rudi karena merasa penasaran dengan cerita Andi.

“Waktu aku mau pulang, sandal yang ku pakai waktu berangkat ke masjid itu sudah raib entah kemana. Setelah lama kucari, tetap gak ada, yach... akhirnya kuputuskan untuk menunggu sampai semua jama'ah sholat jum'at pulang. Aku berfikir mungkin sandalku tertukar sama sandal milik orang lain. Setelah semuanya pulang, yang tersisa hanya tinggal sepasang sandal usang, dan yang menyedihkan lagi salah satunya udah berlubang. Mau gimana lagi..., akhirnya dengan terpaksa sandal itu ku pakai dan kubawa pulang, itung-itung dibanding pulang gak pakai sandal”. Jawab Andi dengan muka agak kusut.

Sembari menahan tawa, Rudi bilang pada Andi, “Hmm... kalau gitu... minta aja pertanggung jawaban sama pak ustadz yang tadi siang jadi khotib di masjid”.

Dengan sedikit bingung Andi bertanya pada Rudi, “kok bisa gitu Rud?”.

Sambil tertawa Rudi menjawab, “Disetiap khutbah sholat jum'at, pak ustadz selalu menyerukan kepada para jama'ah untuk mengambil yang baik-baik dan tinggalkan yang jelek-jelek. Mungkin orang yang mengambil sandalmu itu mengikuti apa yang dikatakan pak ustadz”.
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Waktu berdetik
Tak mungkin bisa ku hentikan
Maumu jadi mauku
Pahitpun itu ku tersenyum

Kamu tak tahu rasanya hatiku
Saat berhadapan kamu

Air mataku
Biar terjatuh dalam hati
Mau ku tak penting lagi
Biar ku buat bahagiamu

Kamu tak tahu rasanya hatiku
Saat berhadapan kamu
Kamu tak bisa bayangkan rasanya
Jadi diriku, yang masih cinta

Kamu tak tahu hancurnya hatiku
Saat berhadapan kamu
Kamu tak bisa bayangkan rasanya
Jadi diriku, yang masih cinta
Comments: (0)
One day in your life

Youll remember a place

Someone touching your face

Youll come back and youll look around, youll . . .

One day in your life

Youll remember the love you found here

Youll remember me somehow

Though you dont need me now

I will stay in your heart

And when things fall apart

Youll remember one day . . .

One day in your life

When you find that youre always waiting

For a love we used to share

Just call my name, and ill be there

Youll remember me somehow

Though you dont need me now

I will stay in your heart

And when things fall apart

Youll remember one day . . .

One day in your life

When you find that youre always lonely

For a love we used to share

Just call my name, and ill be there

Comments: (1)
Namaku Dwi juwanita putri. My birthday 22 10 93 :)) sekarang aku berumur 16 tahun. aku skolah di SMA N 17 Palembang kelass 2 :))

di skola, tmennya baek-baekk. awalnya sh waktu tinggal di asrama, aku sering nangis tapi sekarang udah ngaak laa :D

temen nangis di asrma dlu KENNY. cengeng ....
klo di inget.inget jadi maluu ...
waktu latdis kami pernah mw pindah ke Smansa, gara-gara nggak tahan..
aneh.aneh ajaa..

udaahh dluu ah. capekk !!
Comments: (0)

Separuh Jiwaku Pergi
Memang indah semua
Tapi berakhir luka
Kau main hati
Dengan sadarmu
Kau tinggal aku

Benar ku mencintaimu
Tapi tak begini
Kau khianati hati ini
Kau curangi aku

Back to Reff:

Kau bilang tak pernah bahagia
Selama dengan aku
Itu ucap bibirmu
Kau dustakan semua
Yang kita bina
Kau hancurkan semua

Back to Reff:

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Do you hear me,
I'm talking to you
Across the water across the deep blue ocean
Under the open sky, oh my, baby I'm trying
Boy I hear you in my dreams
I feel your whisper across the sea
I keep you with me in my heart
You make it easier when life gets hard

I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Ooohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh

They don't know how long it takes
Waiting for a love like this
Every time we say goodbye
I wish we had one more kiss
I'll wait for you I promise you, I will

I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Lucky we're in love every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be coming home someday

And so I'm sailing through the sea
To an island where we'll meet
You'll hear the music fill the air
I'll put a flower in your hair
Though the breezes through trees
Move so pretty you're all I see
As the world keeps spinning round
You hold me right here right now

I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
I'm lucky we're in love every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be coming home someday

Ooohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
Ooooh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh

Dalam pelukan kasih sayang.
Dalam pengharapan tak bertepi.
Dalam lautan air mata ketulusan.
Dalam doa-doa yang terhembus diterbangkan udara.
Adalah dirimu.
Kasih pelita jiwa.
Comments: (0)

Kuhantarkan bak di pelataran
Hati yang temaran
Matamu juga mata mataku
Ada hasrat yang mungkin terlarang

Satu kata yang sulit terucap
Hingga batinku tersiksa
Tuhan tolong aku jelaskanlah
Perasaanku berubah jadi cinta

Reff :
Tak bisa hatiku merapikan cinta
Karena cinta tersirat bukan tersurat
Meski bibirku terus berkata tidak
Mataku terus pancarkan sinarnya

Kudapati diri makin tersesat
Saat kita bersama
Desah nafas yang tak bisa teruskan
Persahabatan jadi cinta

Back To *
Back to Reff

Apa yang kita kini tengah rasakan
Mengapakah kita coba persatukan
Mungkin cobaan untuk persahabatan
Atau mungkin sebuah takdir Tuhan

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Joan Osbourne

If God Was One of Us Lyrics

If God had a name, what would it be
And would you call it to his face
If you were faced with him in all his glory
What would you ask if you had just one question

And yeah yeah God is great yeah yeah God is good
yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

What if God was one of us
Just a slob like one of us
Just a stranger on the bus
Trying to make his way home

If God had a face what would it look like
And would you want to see
If seeing meant that you would have to believe
In things like heaven and in jesus and the saints and all the prophets

And yeah yeah god is great yeah yeah god is good
yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

What if God was one of us
Just a slob like one of us
Just a stranger on the bus
Trying to make his way home
He's trying to make his way home
Back up to heaven all alone
Nobody calling on the phone
Except for the pope maybe in rome

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Hepi bdeii SOTOY heppi bdei SOTOY hepi bdei hepi bdei hepi bdei SOTOY :D
the best wishes for u my FRIEND.
I hope u can always be my bestfriend..
yayaya ???
Comments: (1)
I think that impossible, but I feel he is non-stoped to give the dicey expectation.
I my conciousness is a human being twit which like to waste in the opportunity.
and because that stupidity, I non-stoped to be confronted with to feel to regret.
Oh My GOD. suppose the time can be repeated !!!!

sebelumnya tak ada yang mampu
mengajakku untuk bertahan
di kala sedih

sebelumnya ku ikat hatiku
hanya untuk aku seorang
sekarang kau di sini hilang rasanya
semua bimbang tangis kesepian

kau buat aku bertanya
kau buat aku mencari
tentang rasa ini
aku tak mengerti
akankah sama jadinya
bila bukan kamu
lalu senyummu menyadarkanku
kau cinta pertama dan terakhirku

sebelumnya tak mudah bagiku
tertawa sendiri di kehidupan
yang kelam ini

sebelumnya rasanya tak perlu
membagi kisahku saat ada yang mengerti
sekarang kau di sini hilang rasanya
semua bimbang tangis kesepian

repeat reff

bila suatu saat kau harus pergi
jangan paksa aku tuk cari yang lebih baik
karena senyummu menyadarkanku
kaulah cinta pertama dan terakhirku

repeat reff